Day two, Monday 17.10.2016
History of the town?
Today started at 8 a.m., when we had breakfast. We started our trip at 9 a.m.
The town has a rich history so this was the theme we focused on mostly. First, we stopped at the Monumento ao nicolino statue. Then we went to the city hall, where we got a nice greeting and some gifts. The next thing was exploring the local fortress and a guided tour of a palace. We found out that the palace means a lot to the Portuguese. Their first king was born there... Our tour went thought the whole castle.
We were very hungry after the tour so we went to get lunch. Afterwards the gondola took us on the top of the mountain.
We saw a church and a fogy view of the city. Because we were kind of tired after that we had time to rest, before going to dinner at 8.00 PM. We stayed up late because we had to study for tomorrow's presentation of the school (you'll be able to find it on tomorrow's blog).
Mini park/garden between two roads
A fortress overlooking the city of Guimaraes
Reception at the town hall (*Ljubljana is the Green Capital*) :P
A natural pond on the mountain above Guimaraes
(The fog gave it a mystic feeling)