6. dan (9. 3. 2016)
Današnji dan smo začeli malo kasneje, česar smo bili vsi zelo veseli, saj smo lahko malo dlje poležavali. Po zajtrku smo se odpeljali do nam že domače šole LICEO Publio Virgilio Marone, kjer so nam dijaki, profesorji, koordinatorka Isabella in ravnateljica predstavili celoten program in kurikul šole. Iz šole smo se peš odpravili do bližnjega nogometnega igrišča, kjer sta se v nogometu pomerila dva programa dijakov iz šole. Znanstveniki - Scientifico proti klasični gimnaziji - Clasicco. Premoč so Clasicco morali priznati Scintificu, saj je bil rezultat tekme 3 : 1. Čez vso tekmo je bilo zelo veselo, glasno in tekmovalno navijaško vzdušje na obeh straneh tribun. Na koncu je sledil tudi ognjemet. Po razbuljivi tekmi smo se peš odpravili do šole, kjer nas je čakalo kosilo, katerega je sestavljalo polno dobrot, ki so jih od doma pripravljene prinesli sami dijaki. Za konec obroka so nam postregli še s torto, na kateri so bile v znak novih prijateljskih vezi vse zastave držav, katere smo bile v tokrašnjem projektu Erasmus +. Po kosilu smo skupaj z dijaki, s katerimi smo v teh dneh postali že pravi prijatelji, se družili in imeli delavnice. Po končanem programu v šoli smo odšli v hotel, kjer smo imeli čas za počitek, druženje, sprehod. Po večerji smo imeli gala večer in ples, na katerem smo ob dobri glasbi, hrani in družbi uživali. V poznih nočnih urah smo se odpravili spat z mislijo: "Gremo res čez en dan že domov?"
Katarina Hekič
Day 6
Vico del Gargano's sun woke us up at 7:00 AM and invited us to breakfast at 7:45 AM. After our meal, we head off to SCHOOL. We arrived first because we took our mini-bus, because we had some stuff to bring to the school( Cocta and some other Slovenia snacks). After a little while, the others came(they walked) and we all went to a big room, where we were nicely welcomed yet again and sang a Pink Floyd song. After the song, we learned about the Italian school system. The presentation was held by their teacher and one of the students, Valentino.
After that, we went to the stadion where we watched the famous football match. There were 2 teams playing- scientifico and EL CLASICCO. Their teams were choosed by their two NIVOJI V SOLI. They were scientifico and CLASSICO. Scientifico's team is red and black, and the CLASSIC team's color is green and black. I was on the red side and we won! The score was 3:1. Everybody was really nice at the game, nobody took too seriously- by that I mean that there were no incidents or anybody hating each other. After the game we head back to school, where food was waiting for us. Their parents and local shops prepared some food and drinks for us. While eating we chatted and hang-out with the other students. Some time later, we head back to the hotel. After the return to the hotel we had some free time, till dinner. And after dinned we went to bed you were thinking? But no, tonight we had a party prepared for us and our Italian friends, including all the other students that was at the hotel of course. And after the party we all went to bed, kinda sad bur kinda excited because tomorrow is our last day here!
Anastasija Spirovska
Urejanje fotografij Nejc Tehovnik
Hitro je minilo, a ne? :)