Monday, 7 March 2016

4. dan (7. 3. 2016)

Danes smo vstali prej kot po navadi, saj nas je čakala dolga vožnja. Sprva smo obiskali castello del monte, kar v italijanščini pomeni grad na hribu. Zgradil ga je Friderik. Notranjost gradu je bila prazna, vendar je vsebovala znake in simbole ter naj bi predstavljala labirint znanja. Nato smo prispeli do gostilne Trullo dioro, ki se nahaja v mestecu Albero bello. Tam smo pojedli kosilo, ki je imelo značilnosti običajnega italijanskega kosila. To vsebuje dve predjedi: sir, salamo in zelenjavo, ki so pripravljene na poseben način; ter testenine s paradižnikom in še z neko drugo sestavino. Glavna jed je sestavljena iz mesa ter priloge, kar je največkrat krompir. Za sladico pa se je sadje, piškoti ali druge sladkosti. Po kosilu smo si ogledali Trulli di albero bello, kar je vas majhnih hišk, narejenih na suho. Imajo streho stožčaste oblike, katere vrh okrašuje nek simbol. Značilnosti teh hišk je imela tudi gostilna, v kateri smo kosili ter se je imenovala Trullo d'oro, kar pomeni zlata trullo. Na koncu vasi smo videli še cerkev sv. Antonija. Po ogledu naj bi obiskali še mesto Bari, vendar smo zaradi pozne ure morali oditi v hotel.
Jernej Žakelj

Day 4

Started at 6:00AM, when we ate breakfast and about an hour and something later we took off. As i mentioned in yesterday's diary, we were going to walk around with some of the Italian students. And we even got 5 of them on our bus. At first it was a little quiet, but later when we made our first bathroom break and got back, the ambience got much better! We started teaching our Italian friends some Slovenian words! We drove to the castle of Friderik second, Castel Del Monte. We entered the castle, went up to the tower took some pictures and chatted with our Italian friends. We heard some amazing stories about the castle and when walking around it, you could feel and see the difference between our castles back in Slovenia and their castles here. And while walking around it, you could tell immoderately that their life was also quiet different. After the castle, we went back to the bus and we were on our way to new adventures.
Next stop was Arbelobello. First we went to lunch at Trullo D'Oro. We ate with everybody/l- all 6 countries! After that we took a walk around the city. One of my friends said that Aberobello was a strange but really amazing place! They had special Trulli roofs, and they're special because they're only made from solid materials, no liquids! After the walk we were supposed to go to Bali but unfortunately we couldn't go, because of the lack of time. We returned to the hotel at a late hour, went to dinner, finished today's diary and went to bed!
Anastasija Spirovska

                                                                                                                 Urejanje fotografij Graal Lucignano

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