3. dan (6. 3. 2016)
Po zajtrku smo se z našim mini busom odpravili po zelo
razgibani, ovinkasti poti do Foresta Umbra-italijanski gozd. Med deževno potjo
smo opazili raznolikost drevja in čisto neokrnjeno naravo, nad katero so
navdušeni in presenečeni tudi domačini. Ob robu gozda smo lahko opazili jezero obdano z leseno ograjo in klopcami za
druženje. Gozdu pa dajo poseben čar živali (srne, race, krave, koze), ki so
delovale zelo neustrašne. Po ogledu gozda smo se nato odpeljali na ogled cerkve
v jami, v kateri so razstavljene razne slike, kipi, saj naj bi se s tem ljudje v
času romanja zahvaljevali nadangelu Michelu Arcangelu za postorjen čudež, ki so
ga doživeli. Po ogledu je sledilo kosilo, v katerem ponovno ni manjkalo glavnih
italijanskih sestavin. Po končanem kosilu smo imeli ogled italijanske obale in obalnega
mesta. Vreme se je v prid nam spremenilo iz štirih stopinj in dežja v 14
stopinj. Izvedeli smo marsikaj
zanimivega in predvsem zgodovinskega. Med drugim tudi to, da naj bi Frideric II
prihajal v to mesto le z moškimi companioni. Žensk naj ne bi bilo zraven zaradi
pravila ene noči, saj če se je ženska želela poročiti, je prvo morala spati z
njim. Polni morskega zraka smo se odpeljali proti našemu hotelu na okusno
večerjo. Po večerji in dolgem ter poučnem dnevu, smo seveda vsi komaj čakali,
da »popadamo« v svoje postelje in si naberemo moči za nov jutrišnji dan.
Katarina Hekič
Day 3
started the day quite early. We got up around 7:00 AM, got ready for the day and
new adventures and went downstairs for breakfast.
At 8:20AM
we left our hotel with the mini-bus that also brought us to Vico del Gargano.
We had a big day a head of us. First stop was the Umbra forest (Italian:
Foresta Umbra). A quite winding road lead us to the lake/pond in the forest
Umbra. We spent about 20 minutes there and after that hit the road again. Stop
2 was Monte Sant'Angelo. We went to the church in a cave. We also heard a
really interesting thing about the cave. There are water drops on the ceiling
and they do fall down, but no matter what you can't get wet. They said it was a
miracle. After the church, we went to the castle in the same city but
unfortunately the weather ruined our plans. It started raining quite
aggressively so we all decided to return to our buses.
that we drove to lunch. After our lunch, we again took our buses and drove to
the beach. First we took a short walk around the city and heard something about
the history. Another interesting story we heard today, was that, when Friderik
second visited this town, he only took his male companionship. And that is
because there was a rule, the "one night rule". And what that rule
is, is that if any girl was getting married she had to sleep with Friderik
second the night before the wedding. After the walk we went to the beach. The
weather of course got much better, it went from 4°C to 14°C. The beach was
magnificent, and that's why we took the chance and took some amazing pictures,
you can se below( with that we would like to thank Omer Poyraz, for taking the
great SMGŠ picture with all of us and the teachers! ). After the beach, we hit
the road back to Maremonti. And you probably know what's next- dinner and
getting ready for bed. Today was great because we also took some great pictures
with other students and just had a nice relaxed day. We are going to bed filled
with satisfaction and, I think I can say we are all very excited for tomorrow,
because we are going to visit some amazing places, including Aberobello, and we
are even more excited because some of our Italian friends are coming with us!
Anastasija Spirovska
Urejanje fotografij Graal Lucignano
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