Friday, 27 May 2016

Dan 6. , Petek 27.5.16

Obisk Krakava

Vtisi današnjega obiska so na slikah spodaj, ki govorijo same zase.

Kako se po tednu dni dvojezičnosti na koncu počutimo, so dijaki strnili v poezijo.

Zadnja skupinska slika Erazmus + Poljska

Day 6. , Friday   27. May

Our today visit of Krakow is on fotos below, that speaks for it's self.

Poetry about Poland week from our students

We will tell you about Poland
our memory is still fresh
with hearts full of joy and happiness
that with time will be erased.

We were eating, playing, singing and having fun around and around
 it didn’t matter if we didn’t belong there, all that matters was that we had fun.

I’m sitting at the table,
waiting for the potato dish.
But no, I will not give up.
I hope that today I’ll eat some good fish.
1, 2, 3 on the bus are we,
Bumping on the road,
to another boring church.
But no I can take it
all as long as pranking people at the bus stop doesn’t have it’s toll.

At first we were travellers,
from Slovenia to here
we than became the wizards
spend our last day running away from dinosaurs and lizards.
Bunny Bunny Bunny Bunny
we became the kings and queens
living at the Jan III. Palace
filing our stomachs with food in Warsaw
next day we made friends with the Czhecks
embarrassed our teachers while playing some games
Doggy Doggy Doggy Doggy
on Friday we went to Krakow
where we visited a church
after that we spend our time shopping
found some clothes but mostly food
and now it’s almost  time to say goodbye
we admit we might even cry
we had so much time exploring Poland
making friends and eating food
we really like being dumb

Tako se je začel dan ... vožnja v Krakav .... naporna noč za nami :) ...

Promenada v Krakavu

Pri zmaju Krakava, ki bruha ogenj in poje poredne otroke ... mi smo preživeli :) 

Modro nebo in ptice na nebu ... o glej grajski stolp :)

Palača od enega kralja pač ...

Na grajskem hribu :)


čas za super fotke :)

Stolna katedrala Wawel - bazilika SV. Stanislava ...

Ali je to stolp za princeske?

kupola ene od kapel

gneča .... in rekordno hitri ogled ... na našo žalost ...

iiii na grajskem dvorišču ... 

Prelepo grajsko dvorišče ...

Vsa veličina katedrale

... čakamo ... res nič novega ...

... zastražen ...

ulice in veličastne zgradbe Krakava 

... le kaj bo za kosilo ... v kleti pod glavnim trgom :)

Kam pa sedaj? Levo ali desno? ... na avtobus ...

Ekipno delo ... za nepitno vodo :)

S potovanja ne moraš priti brez poštenega sončnega zahoda :) 

Še en selfi ...  nam je profesorca morila z njimi ;)

Še avtorska pesmica od Sare ;)

One day we woke up too early for our lifes

we left the town and went for a long long ride
we ended up on the Polish land
no one ever tought we would stay for so long.

This trip was just cute, we would do it again, it was amazing and full of fun

never we would go back and stay right here.

And just remeberd the things that happened here.

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