Tuesday, 24 May 2016

     Dan 3., Torek 24.5.16

Mladi čarovniki smo se danes zgodaj prebudili v nov sončen dan. Po pisanem in okusnem zajtrku,  smo se ob pol osmih z avtobusom odpeljali proti mestecu Ujazd. Tam smo si ogledali dobro ohranjene razbitine gradu Krzyztopor. Ta je bil pred Versaillesom  eden izmed evropskih najlepših gradov.  Zaradi zgodnje smrti vladarjev in prevlade Švedov, so lastniki v gradu uživali le 11 let.
Pot nas je nato vodila proti kraju Beltrow, kjer smo po kosilu obiskali Jurapark in si tam ogledali dinozavre v originalni velikosti.  V vodi živeče dinozavre smo si ogledali v digitalnem 3D oceanariumu.  Nato smo se s pravimi ameriškimi šolskimi avtobusi odpeljali v safari park.  Med vožnjo smo si ogledali najrazličnejše rastlinojede živali, kot so alpake, srne, noji, kamele, konjički in že skoraj izumrle poljske bizone, zobre.
Po ogledu safari parka, smo se sprehodili še skozi del živalskega vrta, kjer so nas pričakale manjše živali, kot so ptice, opice, koze… Izlet smo zaključili v zabaviščnem delu parka, kjer smo se tako dijaki kot profesorji spustili s tračnimi sanmi. Z avtobusom smo se nato vrnili nazaj v Kielce, kjer smo pred večerjo obiskali še nakupovalni center.

Tokrat brez selfija :)

 Popoln začetek dneva ... najboljši zajtrk ...

Day 3.  Tueasday 24. May

We, the young wizards woke up to a beautiful sunny morning. After a tasty breakfast we took a ride to a cute little town called Ujazd. There we walk around at the old castle Szydlow, which is supposed to be one of the most beautiful castles in Europe. Because of the early death of the master and retake by the Swedish, the owners lived there only 11 years. 
The road leaded us to the town named Beltrow where we had lunch in the awesome Jurapark where we later take a look at the sculptures of the dinosaurs and learn a lot of facts about them. We even took a look at the real dinosaurs in water. Yes we really did. We were given 3D glasses and watched animations of the dinosaurs while we walked through the tunnels. Then we took a ride with the American busses to the Safari park. We saw a lot of different animals like horses, camels, goats, birds, deer and a lot more.

After the Safari park we also took a look at the baby ZOO where we saw little animals, talked to parrots, petted the goats and had a lot of fun in the sun. We finished the day with a visit to a theme park where also the teachers took a ride in rollercoster. Then finally we took a two hour ride back to Kielce where we had dinner and even visited the shopping centre.     

.... ha ha ...  evo ga ... Selfi malo drugače :)

Ko misliš da vidiš vse :)

Jutri se gre pa zares ;)

1 comment:

  1. Zabavno... :) Napišite še kakšen komentar pod sliko...
